Social Media Management
Whether we are in a new phase of Internet lunacy or whether this too shall pass, there is no doubt that at the present time, if you are not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you are just not a member of modern culture. That said, some people may take delight in shunning such involvement in what some are calling "stupid" and "inane" pastimes. We have all witnessed how easily saying the wrong thing on Twitter or displaying the wrong photo on Facebook can land a person in a heap of trouble. Yet, everywhere you go, everything you read, there is some allusion to "following" on Twitter or "liking" on Facebook.
Where Does Business Fit Into This Picture?
While individuals and celebrities seem to enjoy social media the most, businesses have also jumped into the fray to try to cash in on the craze. After all, if enough people can find reason to become your friend or your follower, in today's world, your business could go "viral." What does that mean? It means you could have the next 15 minutes of fame.
Above: Some of the many ads produced for use on on a client's Facebook page to attract attendees to a variety of free seminars. Such ads must meet Facebook's strict policies regarding how much of an image can contain text and must be approved by Facebook prior to use.
How can we help?
For business owners or managers who have little time or inclination to catch this fever, and therefore do not wish to spend time setting up (or learning how to set up) Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and other such accounts, we can help you by doing so for you. Not only can we set up all the graphics, backgrounds, profile photos, security preferences and text required on each account, we can also add the appropriate links to (and from) your website to encourage visits to your pages. In addition, if you so choose, we can act as your social media "ghostwriter" if you have minimal time to devote to creating your own social posts.
Furthermore, we can create social ads to run on Facebook, as an example, where there are strict parameters to meet in order for Facebook to approve your ad. Social ads are quite affordable with large exposure to markets you select by interest or zip code. However, the social sites do not provide any proof of where such ads have been shown other than generating a report of how many engagements, conversions and views were accomplished as a result of your ad. Whether you see any tangible response in the way of direct messages, calls or sales is really the ultimate proof of social ad effectiveness.
The Power of Video Posts and Ads
As with all advertising, movement commands attention especially if it is well-done. Mid-Hudson Marketing creates compelling video posts and ads to deliver important reasons to visit your website, call you or send you a message. While metrics measured by the various social media may not show an increase in your sales or success, these statistics convey a vital boost to your SEO which gives you better ranking in search traffic from Google. That has very high value!
A small sampling of the many social posts created for a client's social sites.
Another small sampling of the many social posts created for an automotive accessories client.
More samples of the huge number of social posts created for a
Pet Internet site which also utilized our article-writing and editing services.
Above: Some of the many social posts created for a client specializing in connecting pet seekers with pet breeders on a national level.
Above: A small sampling of the many social posts created for a producer of a unique type of iconic apparel based in Great Britain.
Above: A small sampling of the many social posts created for a manufacturer of aftermarket auto accessories for a huge national market.
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